I've recently become OBSESSED with Pintrest. For those of you who haven't discovered the awesomeness that is Pintrest yet, in a nutshell, it is a website that allows you to collect and organize beautiful/ inspiring things you find on the web. You get to create virtual pinboards and "pin" your favorite images from the web onto your boards. You can also follow other people's boards who have similar interests to you and "repin" images from their boards. It really is SO much fun. I've seriously
So, since it's Westie Wednesday, I thought I'd share some really awesome Westie "things" I've collected on Pintrest.
This is a Westie silhouette cut-out from a vintage Los Angeles County map. Since we are moving to L.A. in the fall AND I love Westies, I just had to have this. I found it on Etsy! Isn't it terrific?
Super cute Westie bookends from Anthropologie.
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