About Me

I grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where I also attended college and met the love of my life. I lived in NYC for five years with my husband and Westie, Mack Brown before recently moving all the way across the country to Los Angeles. I'm an amateur chef, total foodie, lover of Westies, sports fanatic and self-proclaimed book worm. You'll find a little bit of all these things I love on this blog. And...most importantly, I'm a new mom to the most precious baby boy, Austn Robert, born this past October.





Austin Robert

Austin Robert

Mack Brown

Mack Brown

Monday, July 9, 2012

Menu Mondays

Whenever possible, Brad and I always try to cook-in during the week, especially since we usually don't know what we are going to be up to or doing on the weekends, and we generally end up eating out or getting take-out most Saturdays and Sundays.

If you know anything at all about me, you know that I am a planner.  And a list maker.  So naturally, ever since we've been married one of my favorite things to do at the beginning of a new week is to make plan for what I will be cooking for the week, and then make an extensive grocery list (a habit that I get from my mother....thanks Mom!).  Yes, planning out your menu for the week and making a list of everything you need can be time consuming at first, but, trust me, it becomes easier and quicker the more you do it.  And, it keeps you from over-purchasing at the grocery store and/ or buying things that might go to waste because you don't really have a plan for them.

In the spirit of getting my blog back up and running, I wanted to start sharing my menu for the week with you all each Monday.  Maybe it will inspire you to cook along with me.  Maybe it will help you begin your own weekly menu planning.  Or maybe all you fellow bloggers will start sharing your weekly menus with all of us, too.  As always, I'll post my favorite recipes that I make each week on my blog.  So, if something on the the menu sounds good to you, keep checking back for the recipe to come.

Here's what we're eating this week:

Creamy Spaghetti Squash Primavera

Grilled Halibut with Salsa Verde and Roasted Summer Squash

Grilled Chicken and Orange Skewers with Grilled Asparagus

Southwestern Turkey Stuffed Peppers


What's on your menu for the week?

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