My brother came to visit me earlier in the week to hang out for a couple of days before riding back to Virginia with me. (What a good brother I have, huh?) While he was there I made him go grocery shopping with me at Whole Foods. (I'm evil. I know.) We were hungry, so we decided to eat lunch before shopping. Always a smart plan. I LOVE the hot food bars at Whole Foods. They always have new, interesting salad options to try. Paul found a white bean salad with hot sauce, which was delicious, and I was instantly intrigued.
As a little back story--Brad is a member of the "Hot Sauce of the Month Club," courtesy of my brother. This means we get 2 new hot sauces every couple of months to try out. And, since hot sauce can last for a LONG time, we have a lot of hot sauce. So, I'm always looking for ways to incorporate it into my cooking. This white bean salad with hot sauce is the perfect way. Paul and I tried to replicate what we ate at Whole Foods the best we could, and, personally, I think we did a pretty good job. Check it out.
White Bean Salad with Hot Sauce
1/4 c. onion, diced
2 scallions, thinly sliced
1/2 c. of your favorite hot sauce
The hot sauce that Paul and I used was called Cackalacky Spice Sauce and had sweet potatoes in it. You can order it here.
To make the salad just combine all the ingredients and stir gently so that you don't mash the beans. You can eat it right a way or stick it in the fridge to cool down a bit. Either way, it's deliciously spicy.
Get excited...guest blogger on apartment home beer brewing. Coming soon.