One thing you should know about our dog Mack Brown is that he HATES, I mean hates, to wear doggie clothes. He hates it so much that he will not move even an inch if you put anything on him.
This naturally really amuses Brad and myself, so of course, from time to time, we make Mack play dress up.

Last Friday night was one such occasion. We were enjoying a lovely dinner of homemade tagliatelle with bolognese sauce (I'll blog about this recipe later) and catching up with our dear friends Lindsay and Dan (who had just returned from their honeymoon to SOUTH AFRICA!) when Lindsay suggested we try on Mack's Texas jersey. Typically, Mack runs as fast as he can and hides under the bed when I pull out his jersey. She wanted Dan to witness this
hilarious cute act.
In looking for his jersey, I came across another article of clothing that I had completely forgot we owned--Mack's Snuggie. Yes, they really do exist for pets. Who knew?
Of course, after this, we forgot all about this jersey, and decided that instead, we should dress Mack up in his Snuggie.
He hated it just as much as his jersey, but was oh so cute! I think these pictures capture the moment quite well. Enjoy.
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